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Take action

Take action at work

Educate yourself on current issues

1. Understand an organisation’s carbon footprint
2. Look into your organisation’s environmental strategy
3. Look into existing networks
4. Look into existing standards and certifications

Find allies and spread the word

1. Start a conversation within your company/organisation
2. Organise information sessions

Change your company/organisation’s practices

1. Change your own practices
2. Help to reduce the environmental impact of your company/organisation

Change your company/organisation’s strategy

Targeting change at a strategic level will often allow your actions to have more significant and sustainable effects in protecting the climate and the environment.

1. A key question to get you started
2. Some illustrative ideas*
3. General approaches*
4. Potential accelerators *

*NB: Further materials will be added to these sections in the future. Come back and check them regularly.

Take action to reduce your company’s carbon footprint

Take action to reduce your company’s carbon footprint

Start organising
Inspiring examples

Take action in your community

Find out about your local authority’s environmental strategy
Kickstart initiatives near you

Take action in your daily life

Measure your carbon footprint

France will be used as a case study to illustrate the environmental impact of individual consumption throughout this section.

In France, your average consumer’s yearly carbon footprint is 11 metric tons of CO2. This number accounts for the total consumption of the French population, including the CO2 generated by administrations, institutions, and imports. If we are to limit global warming to +2°C by 2100, each person should emit between 1.6 and 2.8 tons per year – accounting for demographic changes and following an equal split of the total amount of CO2 between all inhabitants.

Reduce your environmental impact
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