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For finance

Finance has a major role to play in allocating resources within the economy. However, traditional finance directs savings towards more profitable projects, without really taking their environmental impact in account. Green finance, on the other hand, funds projects that do not harm the environment or projects that allow for the development of a sustainable economy.

Key questions and avenues to explore:

  • What does the funding you are about to grant contribute to? What ecological, environmental and human effects will it have? Will it go towards developing an activity that accelerates global warming and damage done to the environment or will it serve to reposition an activity to limit its environmental impact?
  • Does this project contain any measures to respond to climate and environmental issues? What are they? Are they sufficient in view of current global stakes?
  • If you were to conditionally approve the project, to which changes should you attach these conditions to guarantee that the project will account for and respond to climate and environmental issues?
  • What kind of checks should you agree on to make sure that these changes will be implemented?
  • In cases of limited funding capacity, choose to fund projects that are positive for the planet and all life on Earth.
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