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For services

Your company/organisation offers services. Both the production and the use of this service will have an ecological, environmental and human impact. It is important to be aware of these impacts and to reflect on the purpose of these services and/or of their increased production.

Key questions and avenues to explore:

  • What is the purpose of the service you help to produce and sell? Is it really useful for a good standard of living on a sustainable planet? Does it have a place in the simple, sustainable society we are seeking to build? Should we keep or discard it?
  • If it really contributes to a good standard of living, how can we design it differently to make its ecological, environmental and human impact as low as possible? How can we reimagine its use to make it as low-impact as possible?
  • Are you giving consumers all the necessary information regarding your service’s ecological and environmental footprint? Are you educating and training them to limit the service’s ecological impact during use?
  • If the service does not truly contribute to a good standard of living on a sustainable planet, stop selling it. Sell fewer services, but make them higher quality, better for you, for everyone, for the planet and biodiversity.
  • If your activity as a whole is not compatible with keeping global warming under the 2°C threshold, what skills could we redirect to positively impact life on Earth? You can call on the Alumni for the Planet community to help find promising ideas for your activity.
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