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Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - International - Public organization

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

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The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into force in 1994. Its goal is to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions “at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system”.
This framework convention is one of the first to recognise that human activity has a significant impact on the climate.


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Mots-clés : Climate - International - Public organization

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1988. Its mission is to evaluate scientific, technical and socio-economic data related to climate change, its causes, its potential consequences, and mitigation strategies.
Since its creation, the IPCC has published 5 assessment reports and is currently in its sixth assessment cycle. Each report is prefaced by a summary for policymakers, which provides an overview of the situation.

  • IPCC

    Official site

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  • AR5 Synthesis Report

    Fifth IPCC Synthesis Report
    Published in 2014

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  • Climate Change and Land

    IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
    Published in 2019

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  • AR6 Working Group 1

    Climate Change 2021 : The Physical Science Basis (Summary for Policymakers)
    Published in August 2021

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  • AR6 Working Group 2

    Climate Change 2022 : Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (Summary for Policymakers)
    Published in February 2022.

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  • AR6 Working Group 3

    Climate Change 2022 : Mitigation of Climate Change (Summary for Policymakers)
    Published in April 2022.


Mots-clés : Environment - International - Public organization

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

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The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an international group of experts on biodiversity.
Founded in 2012 at the behest of the UN, the IPBES acts to popularise environmental science and provide an interface between biodiversity expertise and governments. It also aims to bolster available national resources, especially in emerging countries, to tackle environmental issues


Mots-clés : Environment - International - Public organization

International Union for Conservation of Nature

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The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) brings together governments and civil society organisations.
Its mission is to influence, encourage, and assist societies in conserving the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that natural resources are used fairly and sustainably.


Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - International - Public organization

International Energy Agency

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The IEA (International Energy Agency) is an international organisation that was founded in 1974 after the first oil shock. It aims to significantly and quantifiably improve the current outlook in Europe by providing policymakers and the public with targeted, reliable and relevant information.
It is pursuing 4 main missions:
1. Energy security
2. Economic development
3. Environmental awareness
4. Global engagement
This organisation is best known for its yearly World Energy Outlook report.


Mots-clés : Environment - International - Public organization

UN Environment Programme

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The UN Environment Programme is the leading global authority on the environment. The organisation defines the world’s environmental programme, facilitates the coherent implementation of the environmental aspect of sustainable development within the UN system, and serves as a defender of the environment worldwide.

  • UNEP

    Official site


Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - European - Public organization

European Environment Agency

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The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an EU agency whose mission is to provide reliable and independent information regarding environmental issues.
It aims to support sustainable development and contribute to significantly and quantifiably improving the European environment by providing policymakers and the public with targeted, reliable and relevant information.
Namely, it publishes a comprehensive report on the state and current outlook of the environment in Europe. The 2020 report is the latest available edition.

  • EEA

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  • The European environment - state and outlook 2020

    Report on the environment in Europe for 2020
    Published in 2019


Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - National - Public organization

Agency for Ecological Transition

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The Agency for Ecological Transition, created in 1991, aims to advise, facilitate and assist in the funding of various projects - from research to knowledge-sharing in all fields related to protection of the environment and biodiversity.
An actor in the field of sustainable development, the ADEME plays a role in the implementation of public policy in the fields of energy and environmental protection.


    Use the ’Expertise’ tab to access information.


Mots-clés : Climate - National - Public organization

Technical Reference Center for Air Pollution and Climate Change

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Created in 1961, CITEPA is science-based NGO specialised in atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases, providing inventories, projections and expertise.
CITEPA quantifies, identifies, provides expertise, and reports on atmospheric emissions data, explanatory variables and efficiency indicators, as well as methods for monitoring, quantifying, and modeling emissions of greenhouse gases and other atmospheric pollutants.


    Click on the ’Data’ tab to access key figures and greenhouse gas reports.


Mots-clés : Climate - National - Public organization

High Council on Climate

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The High Council on Climate is an independent organisation, tasked with issuing advice and recommendations for the implementation of public policy and measures to reduce France’s greenhouse gas emissions.
It publishes regular reports to provide independent updates on the government’s climate policy.
Its four goals are:
1. Impact French policymaking and reduce GHG emissions
2. Include adaptation to climate change
3. Communicate with all stakeholders
4. Operate on an international level

GoodPlanet Foundation

Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - International - Private organization

Public interest foundation

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Created in 2005 as a non-profit organisation, GoodPlanet was declared a public interest foundation and became the ‘GoodPlanet Foundation’.
It aims to "make ecology and humanism a central issue in order to encourage people to take concrete action for the Earth and its inhabitants" through awareness-raising campaigns and concrete field projects.


Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - International - Private organization

European Climate Foundation

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Created in 2008, the European Climate Foundation is a INGO aiming to promote climate and energy policies that would reduce GHG emissions in Europe.
Its three main goals are: to support the development of a low-carbon society, to help the world remain under the 2°C global warming threshold, and to balance the triptych of climate protection, energy security and economic growth.

  • ECF

    Click on the ’Why ECF’ tab to access country-specific topics at the bottom of the page.
    Click on the ’Resources’ tab to access articles and reports.
    Click on the ’Stories’ tab to access initiatives to combat climate change.


Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - International - Private organization

World Wildlife Fund

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Created in 1961, WWF is an international NGO that is fighting to protect the environment and promote sustainable development.
It is one the world’s biggest NGOs: its active network covers over 100 countries and 6 million members.

  • WWF

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  • Living Planet Report

    Every two years, the WWF’s Living Planet Report provides information on the increasing degradation of our ecosystems and new pathways to sustainability.


Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - International - Private organization

Project Drawdown

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Created in 2014, Project Drawdown is an ONG that, as the name suggests, aims to help the world reach "drawdown", that is, the point at which levels of GHG in the atmosphere begin steadily declining.
It provides information on possible solutions to combat global warming.

  • Project Drawdown

    Click on the ’Solutions’ tab to access solutions categorised by sector.
    Click on ’Programs + Partnerships’ to access Drawdown’s programmes and partners.

The Shift Project

Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - European - Private organization

European think tank

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Created in 2010, The Shift Project is a French association that promotes a zero-carbon economic model to address the double challenge posed by carbon: climate change and the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels.
This think tank aims to enlighten and influence the debate on energy transition in Europe. Working groups made up of experts allow the organisation to produce comprehensive analyses of the key aspects of the transition to a zero-carbon economy.

Global Footprint Network

Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - International - Private organization

International think tank

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Global Footprint Network is an international research body founded in 2003. It aims to develop tools to allow sustainable to progress, namely by reducing our environmental footprint.
It is known for the yearly publicisation of "Earth Overshoot Day", that is, the date upon which the resources consumed by humanity in a year outstrip the Earth’s ability to regenerate them (biocapacity).


Mots-clés : Environment - Climate - National - Public organization

Pierre-Simon-Laplace Institute

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The IPSL was founded in 1995 and encompasses nine laboratories with environment-focussed research topics.
The studies carried out by this institute mainly aim to understand the physical processes at work in the oceans and the atmosphere and the impact that human activity may have on these processes.

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